从导入Sketch, Adobe XD, Figma时遇到问题,怎么办?
- 首先,确保您使用最新版本的 Figma、Sketch 和 Adobe XD 以及它们各自的 ProtoPie 插件。
- 其次,确保您运行的 Figma、Sketch 和 Adobe XD 的文件至少包含一个画板。
- 最后,确保您使用的ProtoPie是7.0及其以上版本。
Figma是一个在线设计工具,这给ProtoPie与Figma的集成上带来了一系列挑战。因此,从Figma中将一个画板导入到ProtoPie,要比从Sketch或Adobe XD中导入花费更长的时间。而引起这一问题的原因之一就是网络延迟,导入速度取决于您所在的地区与Figma的服务器之间的距离以及您的网络情况。请确保您的网速够快,以便可以得到最佳性能。此外我们也会与Figma一起不遗余力地继续优化集成问题。
Why certain layers from Figma were imported incorrectly?
If you notice that some layers haven't been imported correctly, it could be due to unsupported properties. We recommend checking out our import documentation, which provides detailed information on the supported properties when importing designs from Figma, Sketch, or Adobe XD.
Why does importing my designs with mask layers from Sketch not work?
If you notice mask layers don't import correctly from Sketch, please ensure you have the latest versions of both ProtoPie and Sketch installed.
Importing mask layers from Sketch has been introduced with ProtoPie 7.7.